GM case - 5
GM Case:5 March 10,2023 Case scenario.. Hi, I am S.Sharvani , 3rd year dental student. This is online elog book to discuss our patient health data after taking her consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET:A 60 years old male, resident of Peddagutta, came with Chief complaint: fever since 6 days along with abdominal pain and shortness of breath and cough since 2 days. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: patient is asymptomatic 1 week back and then developed fever with chills. The fever is more in the morning and decreased in the evening and associated with pain in the abdomen. The shoulder pain radiating downwards. Burning micturition and burning feet since 6 days. HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS: Diabetes: No Hypertension: No Heart surgery: No Asthma: No Tuberculosis: No Other surgeries: No PERSONAL HISTORY: Patient is conscious, cooperative and coherent Occupation: Diet: Mixed Appetite: Normal Bowl and bladder: Regular but burning mictur...