GM case - 4

GM Case:4

March 6,2023
Case scenario..

Hi, I am S.Sharvani, 3rd year dental student. This is online elog book to discuss our patient health data after taking her consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio.

CASE SHEET:A 70 years old male, resident of Suryapet, came with
Chief complaint: head ache on left side from 15 days and difficulty in speaking since 15 days .

HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:  patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 days back and then he had insidious onset of unilateral headache on left side and dragging pain is radiating downwards to the neck along with decreased intensity of speech (slurred speech).

Diabetes: No
Hypertension: No
Heart surgery: No
Asthma: No
Tuberculosis: No
Other surgeries: No

Patient is married
Occupation: Farmer
Diet: Mixed
Appetite: Normal
Bowl and bladder: Normal
Sleep: Normal
Allergies: No
Addictions: smokes bidi - 1 packet per day and drinks alcohol and toddy since 7 years.


General examination:
Patient is conscious and cooperative and coherent
Pallor: No
Icterus: No
Cyanosis: No
Clubbing of fingers or toes: No
Malnutrition: No
Dehydration: No
Lymphadenopathy: No
Edema of feet: No

BP: 110/80 mm Hg
Pulse rate: 74 bpm/min

Diagnosis: Headache secondary to acute infarct in left frontoparietal and occipital lobe.

1. Will i recover after taking my medications?
2. Will it affect my brain functioning? 

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